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Terma indkøbte tidligere forsvarschef Tim Sloth Jørgensen og chef for Forsvarsministeriets Indkøbsstyrelse Niels Bundsgaard. Viceforsvarschef Per Ludvigsen arbejdede sidste år tæt sammen med konsulenterne Struensee og Co, og er derfor nu er flyttet ind hos firmaet. Kommunikationsfirmaet Primetime har anskaffet den pensionerede oberst Eigil Schjønning, for at bruge hans forbindelser som tidligere chef for Hærens Kampskole mm. En del andre militærchefer fra Flyvevåbnet er nu hos PR-firmaet Rud Pedersen. Navnene er blot nogle få af de større eksempler på at Danmark, i modsætning til de fleste andre lande, ikke har forbudt militærfolk at skifte job for så allerede den næste dag at sælge våben for alverdens våbenindustri - til egne tidligere kollegaer.
Tom Vilmer Paamand - marts 2018

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>  Peace prize for drone researcher: Refuses to make weapons
image”I don't want to build drones for the military”, wrote Dylan Cawthorne in the Danish trade magazine for engineers - and for this attitude the peace organisation ”Aldrig Mere Krig” (”Never More War”) has now honoured him with the association's Peace Rose. Cawthorne is an aerospace engineer and associate professor at the Drone Centre at the University of Southern Denmark.
Cawthorne warns of a ”militarization of public Danish universities”, and that he himself is exposed to ”increased pressure from management to work on military projects”, with ”financial gain as the primary motive”.
Despite the pressure, Cawthorne refuses to work on military projects, and will insist on developing only civilian drones – for the benefit of healthcare and similar humanitarian tasks: ”Then I can combine my love of flight and fabrication, with my dream of making the world a better place.”
The Peace Rose was awarded to Dylan Cawthorne on Sunday the 10th of September in front of his artwork ”Kites for Peace”. The award certificate from the peace organisation honours Cawthorne for ”the courage to demand technology for peace and not for war”.
”In a world where science has made our leaders all too skilled at creating havoc and causing destruction, but not at solving their conflicts peacefully, it is important for daring individuals to speak out against the onslaught of militarisation”, said Tom Vilmer Paamand, who is chairman of the peace organisation, at the presentation:
”Freedom of research is threatened, just as freedom of speech is, when suddenly there is no room for sober thoughts against war. That is why people like Dylan Cawthorne, who dare anyway, are so badly needed.”
”Aldrig Mere Krig” is the Danish section of War Resisters' International, and has been handing out its Peace Roses for over 50 years. Over the years, the prize has been given for many forms of action, and to many types of actors - from dock workers to artists, journalists and even to a commander of the special forces. And in a similar case to Cawthorne's, to the engineering company Rambøll, which at that time had a philosophy of not wanting to ”make money from the arms industry”.
Tom Vilmer Paamand - september 2023

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